Scientific Publications
Title: New through-the-needle brush for pancreatic cyst assessment: a randomized controlled trial.
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the West and has a 5-year survival rate of only 2%–9%. We successfully tested a loop brush designed to acquire cells from the inner wall of pancreatic cysts in conjunction with EUS-FNA.
Title: A loop‐shaped minimally invasive brush for improved cytology sampling of pancreatic cysts during EUS‐FNA.
We performed an in vivo randomized controlled trial in pigs using artificial cysts. Using the new loop brush causes neither significant bleeding nor device malfunction. Samples obtained with the loop brush were suitable for cytologic analysis and showed significantly higher cell yield than controls.
Medical Devices & Sensors
Marques, F., Baldaque‐Silva, F., van der Wijngaart, W., Arnelo, U., & Roxhed, N. “A loop-shaped brush for 22G EUS-FNA of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A pre-clinical assessment”. Medicinteknikdagarna. Luleå, Sweden 2022.
Pereira, J., Marques, F., van der Wijngaart, W., Arnelo, U., Roxhed, N., & Baldaque-Silva, F. “New through-the-needle brush for pancreatic cyst assessment: a randomized controlled trial. United European Gastroenterology. Copenhagen, Denmark 2o23.